Source code for nmrsim.qm

"""qm contains functions for the quantum-mechanical (second-order)
calculation of NMR spectra.

The qm module provides the following attributes:

* CACHE : bool (default True)
    Whether saving to disk of partial solutions is allowed.
* SPARSE : bool (default True)
    Whether the sparse library can be used.

The qm module provides the following functions:

* qm_spinsystem: The high-level function for computing a second-order
  simulation from frequency and J-coupling data.
* hamiltonian_dense: Calculate a spin Hamiltonian using dense arrays
* hamiltonian_sparse: Calculate a spin Hamiltonian using cached sparse arrays
* solve_hamiltonian: Calculate a peaklist from a spin Hamiltonian.
* secondorder_dense: Calculate a peaklist for a second-order spin system,
  using dense arrays (slower).
* secondorder_sparse: Calculate a peaklist for a second-order spin system,
  using cached sparse arrays (faster).

Because numpy.matrix is marked as deprecated, starting with Version 0.2.0 the
qm code was refactored to a) accommodate this deprecation and b) speed up the
calculations. The fastest calculations rely on:

1. the pydata/sparse library. SciPy's sparse depends on numpy.matrix,
and they currently recommend that pydata/sparse be used for now.

2. Caching partial solutions for spin operators and transition matrices as
.npz files.

If the pydata/sparse package is no longer available, and/or if distributing
the library with .npz files via PyPI is problematic, then a backup is
required. The qm module for now provides two sets of functions for
calculating second-order spectra: one using pydata/sparse and caching,
and the other using neither.
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
    from importlib import resources
    import importlib_resources as resources

import numpy as np  # noqa: E402
import sparse  # noqa: E402

import nmrsim.bin  # noqa: E402
from nmrsim.math import normalize_peaklist  # noqa: E402

CACHE = True  # saving of partial solutions is allowed
SPARSE = True  # the sparse library is available

def _bin_path():
    """Return a Path to the nmrsim/bin directory."""
    init_path_context = resources.path(nmrsim.bin, '')
    with init_path_context as p:
        init_path = p
    bin_path = init_path.parent
    return bin_path

def _so_dense(nspins):
    Calculate spin operators required for constructing the spin hamiltonian,
    using dense (numpy) arrays.

    nspins : int
        The number of spins in the spin system.

    (Lz, Lproduct) : a tuple of:
        Lz : 3d array of shape (n, 2^n, 2^n) representing [Lz1, Lz2, ...Lzn]
        Lproduct : 4d array of shape (n, n, 2^n, 2^n), representing an n x n
            array (cartesian product) for all combinations of
            Lxa*Lxb + Lya*Lyb + Lza*Lzb, where 1 <= a, b <= n.
    sigma_x = np.array([[0, 1 / 2], [1 / 2, 0]])
    sigma_y = np.array([[0, -1j / 2], [1j / 2, 0]])
    sigma_z = np.array([[1 / 2, 0], [0, -1 / 2]])
    unit = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])

    L = np.empty((3, nspins, 2 ** nspins, 2 ** nspins),
                 dtype=np.complex128)  # TODO: consider other dtype?
    for n in range(nspins):
        Lx_current = 1
        Ly_current = 1
        Lz_current = 1

        for k in range(nspins):
            if k == n:
                Lx_current = np.kron(Lx_current, sigma_x)
                Ly_current = np.kron(Ly_current, sigma_y)
                Lz_current = np.kron(Lz_current, sigma_z)
                Lx_current = np.kron(Lx_current, unit)
                Ly_current = np.kron(Ly_current, unit)
                Lz_current = np.kron(Lz_current, unit)

        L[0][n] = Lx_current
        L[1][n] = Ly_current
        L[2][n] = Lz_current

    # ref:
    L_T = L.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
    Lproduct = np.tensordot(L_T, L, axes=((1, 3), (0, 2))).swapaxes(1, 2)

    return L[2], Lproduct

def _so_sparse(nspins):
    Either load a presaved set of spin operators as numpy arrays, or
    calculate them and save them if a presaved set wasn't found.

    nspins : int
        the number of spins in the spin system

    (Lz, Lproduct) : a tuple of:
        Lz : 3d sparse.COO array of shape (n, 2^n, 2^n) representing
            [Lz1, Lz2, ...Lzn]
        Lproduct : 4d sparse.COO array of shape (n, n, 2^n, 2^n), representing
            an n x n array (cartesian product) for all combinations of
            Lxa*Lxb + Lya*Lyb + Lza*Lzb, where 1 <= a, b <= n.

    Side Effect
    Saves the results as .npz files to the bin directory if they were not
    found there.
    # TODO: once nmrsim demonstrates installing via the PyPI *test* server,
    # need to determine how the saved solutions will be handled. For example,
    # part of the final build may be generating these files then testing.
    # Also, need to consider different users with different system capabilities
    # (e.g. at extreme, Raspberry Pi). Some way to let user select, or select
    # for user?
    filename_Lz = f'Lz{nspins}.npz'
    filename_Lproduct = f'Lproduct{nspins}.npz'
    bin_path = _bin_path()
    path_Lz = bin_path.joinpath(filename_Lz)
    path_Lproduct = bin_path.joinpath(filename_Lproduct)
    # with path_context_Lz as p:
    #     path_Lz = p
    # with path_context_Lproduct as p:
    #     path_Lproduct = p
        Lz = sparse.load_npz(path_Lz)
        Lproduct = sparse.load_npz(path_Lproduct)
        return Lz, Lproduct
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('no SO file ', path_Lz, ' found.')
        print(f'creating {filename_Lz} and {filename_Lproduct}')
    Lz, Lproduct = _so_dense(nspins)
    Lz_sparse = sparse.COO(Lz)
    Lproduct_sparse = sparse.COO(Lproduct)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lz, Lz_sparse)
    sparse.save_npz(path_Lproduct, Lproduct_sparse)

    return Lz_sparse, Lproduct_sparse

[docs]def hamiltonian_dense(v, J): """ Calculate the spin Hamiltonian as a dense array. Parameters ---------- v : array-like list of frequencies in Hz (in the absence of splitting) for each nucleus. J : 2D array-like matrix of coupling constants. J[m, n] is the coupling constant between v[m] and v[n]. Returns ------- H : numpy.ndarray a sparse spin Hamiltonian. """ nspins = len(v) Lz, Lproduct = _so_dense(nspins) # noqa H = np.tensordot(v, Lz, axes=1) if not isinstance(J, np.ndarray): J = np.array(J) scalars = 0.5 * J H += np.tensordot(scalars, Lproduct, axes=2) return H
[docs]def hamiltonian_sparse(v, J): """ Calculate the spin Hamiltonian as a sparse array. Parameters ---------- v : array-like list of frequencies in Hz (in the absence of splitting) for each nucleus. J : 2D array-like matrix of coupling constants. J[m, n] is the coupling constant between v[m] and v[n]. Returns ------- H : sparse.COO a sparse spin Hamiltonian. """ nspins = len(v) Lz, Lproduct = _so_sparse(nspins) # noqa # On large spin systems, converting v and J to sparse improved speed of # sparse.tensordot calls with them. # First make sure v and J are a numpy array (required by sparse.COO) if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = np.array(v) if not isinstance(J, np.ndarray): J = np.array(J) H = sparse.tensordot(sparse.COO(v), Lz, axes=1) scalars = 0.5 * sparse.COO(J) H += sparse.tensordot(scalars, Lproduct, axes=2) return H
def _transition_matrix_dense(nspins): """ Creates a matrix of allowed transitions, as a dense array. The integers 0-`n`, in their binary form, code for a spin state (alpha/beta). The (i,j) cells in the matrix indicate whether a transition from spin state i to spin state j is allowed or forbidden. See the ``is_allowed`` function for more information. Parameters --------- nspins : number of spins in the system. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray a transition matrix that can be used to compute the intensity of allowed transitions. Notes ----- The integers 0-`n`, in their binary form, code for a pure spin state (alpha/beta). For example, for a three-spin system: 0 = 000 = alpha-alpha-alpha, 1 = 001 = alpha-alpha-beta, 7 = 111 = beta-beta-beta. A transition between two of these states is allowed if only one spin flips. This is equal to a single bit change in the binary representation of the index. The (i,j) cells in the transition matrix indicate whether a transition from spin state i to spin state j is allowed or forbidden (1 = allowed, 0 = forbidden). """ # function was optimized by only calculating upper triangle and then adding # the lower. n = 2 ** nspins T = np.zeros((n, n)) for i in range(n - 1): for j in range(i + 1, n): if bin(i ^ j).count('1') == 1: T[i, j] = 1 T += T.T return T
[docs]def secondorder_dense(freqs, couplings, normalize=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates second-order spectral data (freqency and intensity of signals) for *n* spin-half nuclei. Parameters --------- freqs : [float...] a list of *n* nuclei frequencies in Hz couplings : array-like an *n, n* array of couplings in Hz. The order of nuclei in the list corresponds to the column and row order in the matrix, e.g. couplings[0][1] and [1]0] are the J coupling between the nuclei of freqs[0] and freqs[1]. normalize: bool True if the intensities should be normalized so that total intensity equals the total number of nuclei. Returns ------- peaklist : [[float, float]...] numpy 2D array of [frequency, intensity] pairs. Other Parameters ---------------- cutoff : float The intensity cutoff for reporting signals (default is 0.001). """ nspins = len(freqs) H = hamiltonian_dense(freqs, couplings) E, V = np.linalg.eigh(H) V = V.real T = _transition_matrix_dense(nspins) I = np.square( peaklist = _compile_peaklist(I, E, **kwargs) if normalize: peaklist = normalize_peaklist(peaklist, nspins) return peaklist
def _tm_cache(nspins): """ Loads a saved sparse transition matrix if it exists, or creates and saves one if it is not. Parameters ---------- nspins : int The number of spins in the spin system. Returns ------- T_sparse : sparse.COO The sparse transition matrix. Side Effects ------------ Saves a sparse array to the bin folder if the required array was not found there. """ # Speed tests indicated that using sparse-array transition matrices # provides a modest speed improvement on larger spin systems. filename = f'T{nspins}.npz' # init_path_context = resources.path(nmrsim.bin, '') # with init_path_context as p: # init_path = p # print('path to init: ', init_path) # bin_path = init_path.parent bin_path = _bin_path() path = bin_path.joinpath(filename) try: T_sparse = sparse.load_npz(path) return T_sparse except FileNotFoundError: print(f'creating {filename}') T_sparse = _transition_matrix_dense(nspins) T_sparse = sparse.COO(T_sparse) print('_tm_cache will save on path: ', path) sparse.save_npz(path, T_sparse) return T_sparse def _intensity_and_energy(H, nspins): """ Calculate intensity matrix and energies (eigenvalues) from Hamiltonian. Parameters ---------- H : numpy.ndarray Spin Hamiltonian nspins : int number of spins in spin system Returns ------- (I, E) : (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) tuple of: I : (relative) intensity 2D array V : 1-D array of relative energies. """ E, V = np.linalg.eigh(H) V = V.real T = _tm_cache(nspins) I = np.square( return I, E def _compile_peaklist(I, E, cutoff=0.001): """ Generate a peaklist from intensity and energy matrices. Parameters ---------- I : numpy.ndarray (2D) matrix of relative intensities E : numpy.ndarray (1D) array of energies cutoff : float, optional The intensity cutoff for reporting signals. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (2D) A [[frequency, intensity]...] peaklist. """ I_upper = np.triu(I) E_matrix = np.abs(E[:, np.newaxis] - E) E_upper = np.triu(E_matrix) combo = np.stack([E_upper, I_upper]) iv = combo.reshape(2, I.shape[0] ** 2).T return iv[iv[:, 1] >= cutoff]
[docs]def solve_hamiltonian(H, nspins, **kwargs): """ Calculates frequencies and intensities of signals from a spin Hamiltonian and number of spins. Parameters ---------- H : numpy.ndarray (2D) The spin Hamiltonian nspins : int The number of spins in the system Returns ------- [[float, float]...] numpy 2D array of frequency, intensity pairs. Other Parameters ---------------- cutoff : float The intensity cutoff for reporting signals (default is 0.001). """ I, E = _intensity_and_energy(H, nspins) return _compile_peaklist(I, E, **kwargs)
[docs]def secondorder_sparse(freqs, couplings, normalize=True, **kwargs): """ Calculates second-order spectral data (frequency and intensity of signals) for *n* spin-half nuclei. Parameters --------- freqs : [float...] a list of *n* nuclei frequencies in Hz couplings : array-like an *n, n* array of couplings in Hz. The order of nuclei in the list corresponds to the column and row order in the matrix, e.g. couplings[0][1] and [1]0] are the J coupling between the nuclei of freqs[0] and freqs[1]. normalize: bool True if the intensities should be normalized so that total intensity equals the total number of nuclei. Returns ------- peaklist : [[float, float]...] numpy 2D array of [frequency, intensity] pairs. Other Parameters ---------------- cutoff : float The intensity cutoff for reporting signals (default is 0.001). """ nspins = len(freqs) H = hamiltonian_sparse(freqs, couplings) peaklist = solve_hamiltonian(H.todense(), nspins, **kwargs) if normalize: peaklist = normalize_peaklist(peaklist, nspins) return peaklist
[docs]def qm_spinsystem(*args, cache=CACHE, sparse=SPARSE, **kwargs): """ Calculates second-order spectral data (frequency and intensity of signals) for *n* spin-half nuclei. Currently, n is capped at 11 spins. Parameters ---------- freqs : [float...] a list of *n* nuclei frequencies in Hz. couplings : array-like An *n, n* array of couplings in Hz. The order of nuclei in the list corresponds to the column and row order in the matrix, e.g. couplings[0][1] and [1]0] are the J coupling between the nuclei of freqs[0] and freqs[1]. normalize: bool (optional keyword argument; default = True) True if the intensities should be normalized so that total intensity equals the total number of nuclei. Returns ------- peaklist : [[float, float]...] numpy 2D array of [frequency, intensity] pairs. Other Parameters ---------------- cache: bool (default = nmrsim.qm.CACHE) Whether caching of partial solutions (for acceleration) is allowed. Currently CACHE = True, but this provides a hook to modify nmrsim for platforms such as Raspberry Pi where storage space is a concern. sparse: bool (default = nmrsim.qm.SPARSE) Whether the pydata sparse library for sparse matrices is available. Currently SPARSE = True, but this provides a hook to modify nmrsim should the sparse library become unavailable (see notes). cutoff : float The intensity cutoff for reporting signals (default is 0.001). Notes ----- With numpy.matrix marked for deprecation, the scipy sparse array functionality is on shaky ground, and the current recommendation is to use the pydata sparse library. In case a problem arises in the numpy/scipy/ sparse ecosystem, SPARSE provides a hook to use a non-sparse-dependent alternative. """ if not (cache and sparse): return secondorder_dense(*args, **kwargs) return secondorder_sparse(*args, **kwargs)