Source code for nmrsim.plt

"""The plt module provides convenience functions for creating matplotlib plots,
plus applying Lorentzian distributions about signals.

The plt module provides the following functions:

* add_lorentzians: Creates lineshape data from a provided linspace (array of x
  coordinates) and peaklist).
* mplplot: Creates a lineshape plot from a peaklist and returns the x, y plot
* mplplot_stick: Creates a "stick" (matplotlib "stem" plot) plot from a
  peaklist and returns the x, y plot data.
* mplplot_lineshape: Creates a lineshape plot from provided x, y lineshape data
  and returns the x, y plot data.
import numpy as np

from nmrsim.math import add_lorentzians
from nmrsim._utils import low_high

# Pyplot assumes a TkAgg backend as a default. This can cause problems in
# environments where Tkinter is not available (e.g. some Unix systems;
# BeeWare's Briefcase packaging for Windows).
import matplotlib
    import tkinter as tk  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
    print('WARNING: Tkinter not found--plots will not display on screen!')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# TODO: especially considering the possible swap to the 'Agg' backend,
# makes more intuitive sense for plot functions to return a plot object
# and not the coordinates.

# TODO: possibly refactor plot routines to avoid repetitive code

[docs]def mplplot(peaklist, w=1, y_min=-0.01, y_max=1, points=800, limits=None): """ A matplotlib plot of the simulated lineshape for a peaklist. Parameters ---------- peaklist : [(float, float)...] A list of (frequency, intensity) tuples. w : float Peak width at half height y_min : float or int Minimum intensity for the plot. y_max : float or int Maximum intensity for the plot. points : int Number of data points. limits : (float, float) Frequency limits for the plot. Returns ------- x, y : numpy.array Arrays for frequency (x) and intensity (y) for the simulated lineshape. """ peaklist.sort() if limits: l_limit, r_limit = low_high(limits) else: l_limit = peaklist[0][0] - 50 r_limit = peaklist[-1][0] + 50 x = np.linspace(l_limit, r_limit, points) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.gca().invert_xaxis() # reverses the x axis y = add_lorentzians(x, peaklist, w) # noinspection PyTypeChecker lines = plt.plot(x, y) print(lines) return x, y
[docs]def mplplot_stick(peaklist, y_min=-0.01, y_max=1, limits=None): """A matplotlib plot of a spectrum in "stick" (stem) style. Parameters ---------- peaklist : [(float, float)...] A list of (frequency, intensity) tuples. y_min : float or int Minimum intensity for the plot. y_max : float or int Maximum intensity for the plot. limits : (float, float) Frequency limits for the plot. Returns ------- numpy.array, numpy.array The arrays of x and y coordinates used for the plot. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() if limits: l_limit, r_limit = low_high(limits) else: l_limit = sorted(peaklist)[0][0] - 50 r_limit = sorted(peaklist)[-1][0] + 50 x, y = zip(*peaklist) # If the next two lines are omitted, there is no baseline from the outer # peaks to the left/right limits. Until a matplotlib solution is found, # using this hack of adding two outer miniscule peaks to extend the # baseline. x = np.append(x, [l_limit, r_limit]) y = np.append(y, [0.001, 0.001]) plt.xlim(r_limit, l_limit) plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) ax.stem(x, y, markerfmt=' ', basefmt='C0-', use_line_collection=True) # suppress warning until mpl 3.3 return x, y
# TODO: or return plt object? Decide behavior.
[docs]def mplplot_lineshape(x, y, y_min=None, y_max=None, limits=None): """ A matplotlib plot that accepts arrays of x and y coordinates. Parameters ---------- x : array-like The list of x coordinates. y : array-like The list of y coordinates. y_min : float or int Minimum intensity for the plot. Default is -10% max y. y_max : float or int Maximum intensity for the plot. Default is 110% max y. limits : (float, float) Frequency limits for the plot. Returns ------- x, y : The original x, y arguments. """ if limits: l_limit, r_limit = low_high(limits) else: l_limit = min(x) # x[0] # assumes x already sorted low->high r_limit = max(x) # x[-1] if y_min is None or y_max is None: # must test vs None so that 0 = True margin = max(y) * 0.1 if y_min is None: y_min = min(y) - margin if y_max is None: y_max = max(y) + margin plt.xlim(r_limit, l_limit) # should invert x axis plt.ylim(y_min, y_max) plt.plot(x, y) return x, y