Source code for nmrsim.dnmr

"""The `dnmr` module provides functions for calculating DNMR line shapes, and
classes to describe DNMR systems.

The dnmr module provides the following classes:

* `DnmrTwoSinglets`: a sumulation of the lineshape for two uncoupled nuclei
  undergoing exchange.
* `DnmrAB`: a simulation of the lineshape for two coupled nuclei undergoing
  exchange (i.e. an AB (or AX) pattern at the slow exchange limit).

The `dnmr` module provides the following functions:

* `dnmr_two_singlets`: for simulating the lineshape for two uncoupled nuclei
  undergoing exchange [3]_.
* `dnmr_AB` : for simulating the lineshape for two coupled nuclei undergoing
  exchange (i.e. an AB (or AX) pattern at the slow exchange limit) [4]_.

.. [3] Sandström, J. Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy; Academic Press: New York, 1982.
.. [4] a) Brown, K.C.; Tyson, R.L.; Weil, J.A. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 1632.
   b) an important math correction to the previous reference:

    TODO: add reference to correction


import numpy as np

from nmrsim._utils import is_number, is_decimal_fraction, is_tuple_of_two_numbers, is_positive, is_integer

def _dnmr_two_singlets_func(va, vb, ka, wa, wb, pa):
    Create a function that requires only frequency as an argurment, for
    calculating the lineshape of a DNMR spectrum for two uncoupled spin-half

    This allows the expressions that are independent of frequency to be
    calculated only once, outside the returned function. The returned function
    can then be applied to a list of frequency (x) coordinates (e.g. a numpy
    linspace) to provide a list of the corresponding intensity (y) coordinates.

    va : int or float
        The frequency (Hz) of nucleus 'a' at the slow exchange limit. va > vb
    vb : int or float
        The frequency (Hz) of nucleus 'b' at the slow exchange limit. vb < va
    ka : int or float
        The rate constant (Hz) for state a--> state b
    wa : int or float
        The width at half height of the signal for nucleus a (at the slow
        exchange limit).
    wb : int or float
        The width at half height of the signal for nucleus b (at the slow
        exchange limit).
    pa : float (0 <= pa <= 1)
        The fraction of the population in state a.

    _maker: function

    The nmrsim.dnmr module gives a reference for the algorithm used here.

    pi = np.pi
    pi_squared = pi ** 2
    T2a = 1 / (pi * wa)
    T2b = 1 / (pi * wb)
    pb = 1 - pa
    tau = pb / ka
    dv = va - vb
    Dv = (va + vb) / 2
    P = tau * (1 / (T2a * T2b) + pi_squared * (dv ** 2)) + (pa / T2a + pb / T2b)
    p = 1 + tau * ((pb / T2a) + (pa / T2b))
    Q = tau * (- pi * dv * (pa - pb))
    R = pi * dv * tau * ((1 / T2b) - (1 / T2a)) + pi * dv * (pa - pb)
    r = 2 * pi * (1 + tau * ((1 / T2a) + (1 / T2b)))

    def _maker(v):
        """Calculate the intensity (y coordinate) at a given frequency v(x coordinate)."""
        # TODO: fix docstring, explain _P _Q etc correlate to P, Q etc in lit.
        # FIXED: previous version of this function used
        # nonlocal Dv, P, Q, R
        # but apparently when function called repeatedly these values would
        # become corrupted (turning into arrays?!)
        # Solution: add underscores to create copies of any variables in
        # outer scope whose values are changed in the inner scope.

        _Dv = Dv - v
        _P = P - tau * 4 * pi_squared * (_Dv ** 2)
        _Q = Q + tau * 2 * pi * _Dv
        _R = R + _Dv * r
        return(_P * p + _Q * _R) / (_P ** 2 + _R ** 2)
    return _maker

[docs]def dnmr_two_singlets(va, vb, ka, wa, wb, pa, limits=None, points=800): """ Create a the lineshape for a DNMR spectrum of two uncoupled spin-half nuclei. Parameters ---------- va, vb : int or float The frequencies (Hz) of nuclei 'a' and 'b' at the slow exchange limit. ka : int or float The rate constant (Hz) for state a--> state b wa, wb : int or float The peak widths at half height for the 'a' and 'b' singlets at the slow-exchange limit. pa : float (0 <= pa <= 1) The fraction of the population in state a limits : (int or float, int or float), optional The minimum and maximum frequencies (in any order) for the simulation. points : int The length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Returns ------- x, y : numpy.array, numpy.array Arrays for the x (frequency) and y (intensity) lineshape data points. See Also -------- DnmrTwoSinglets : A class representation for this simulation. References ---------- See the documentation for the nmrsim.dnmr module. """ if vb > va: va, vb = vb, va wa, wb = wb, wa pa = 1 - pa if limits: l_limit = min(limits) r_limit = max(limits) else: l_limit = vb - 50 r_limit = va + 50 x = np.linspace(l_limit, r_limit, points) func = _dnmr_two_singlets_func(va, vb, ka, wa, wb, pa) y = func(x) return x, y
[docs]class DnmrTwoSinglets: """ A DNMR simulation for two uncoupled nuclei undergoing exchange. Parameters ---------- va, vb : int or float The frequencies (Hz) of nuclei 'a' and 'b' at the slow exchange limit. k : int or float The rate constant (Hz) for state a--> state b wa, wb : int or float The peak widths at half height for the 'a' and 'b' singlets at the slow-exchange limit. pa : float (0 <= pa <= 1) The fraction of the population in state a limits : (int or float, int or float), optional The minimum and maximum frequencies (in any order) for the simulation. points : int The length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Attributes ---------- va vb k wa wb pa limits points Methods ------- lineshape Return the x, y (frequency, intensity) data for the lineshape simulation. See Also -------- DnmrTwoSinglets : A class representation for this simulation """ def __init__(self, va=1, vb=0, k=0.01, wa=0.5, wb=0.5, pa=0.5, limits=None, points=800): # rethink default kwargs for v/k/w = va self.vb = vb self.k = k self.wa = wa self.wb = wb = pa if limits: self.limits = limits else: self._vmin = min([va, vb]) - 50 self._vmax = max([va, vb]) + 50 self.points = points @property def va(self): """ The frequency of nucleus "a" (Hz) at the slow-exchange limit. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._va @va.setter def va(self, value): self._va = is_number(value) @property def vb(self): """ The frequency of nucleus "b" (Hz) at the slow-exchange limit. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._vb @vb.setter def vb(self, value): self._vb = is_number(value) @property def k(self): """ The rate constant (Hz) for state A--> state B (must be >0). Returns ------- int or float """ return self._k @k.setter def k(self, value): self._k = is_positive(value) @property def wa(self): """ The peak width at half height (Hz) for the 'a' singlet at the slow-exchange limit. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._wa @wa.setter def wa(self, value): self._wa = is_number(value) @property def wb(self): """ The peak width at half height (Hz) for the 'b' singlet at the slow-exchange limit. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._wb @wb.setter def wb(self, value): self._wb = is_number(value) @property def pa(self): """ The fraction of the population in state a. Must be >=0 and <=1. Returns ------- float """ return self._pa @pa.setter def pa(self, value): self._pa = is_decimal_fraction(value) @property def limits(self): """ The minimum and maximum frequencies for the simulated lineshape. Returns ------- (int or float, int or float) """ return self._vmin, self._vmax @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): limits = is_tuple_of_two_numbers(limits) self._vmin = min(limits) self._vmax = max(limits) @property def points(self): """ The length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Returns ------- int """ return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): self._points = is_integer(value)
[docs] def lineshape(self): """ Calculate and return the lineshape for the DNMR spectrum. Returns ------- x, y : numpy.array, numpy.array Arrays for the x (frequency) and y (intensity) lineshape data points. """ x = np.linspace(self._vmin, self._vmax, self.points) x, y = dnmr_two_singlets(, self.vb, self.k, self.wa, self.wb,, limits=self.limits, points=self.points) return x, y
def _dnmr_AB_func(v, v1, v2, J, k, w): """ Implement the equation from Weil et al for simulation of the DNMR lineshape for two coupled nuclei undergoing exchange (AB or AX pattern at the slow-exchange limit). Parameters ---------- v : float or array-like a frequency (x coordinate) or array of frequencies at which an amplitude (y coordinate) is to be calculated. v1, v2 : float frequencies of a and b nuclei (at the slow exchange limit, in the absence of coupling) J : float the coupling constant between the two nuclei. k : float rate constant for state A--> state B w : float peak widths at half height (slow exchange limit). Returns ------- float amplitude at frequency `v`. See Also -------- DnmrAB : A class representation for this simulation. References ---------- See the documentation for the nmrsim.dnmr module. """ pi = np.pi vo = (v1 + v2) / 2 tau = 1 / k tau2 = 1 / (pi * w) a1_plus = 4 * pi ** 2 * (vo - v + J / 2) ** 2 a1_minus = 4 * pi ** 2 * (vo - v - J / 2) ** 2 a2 = - ((1 / tau) + (1 / tau2)) ** 2 a3 = - pi ** 2 * (v1 - v2) ** 2 a4 = - pi ** 2 * J ** 2 + (1 / tau ** 2) a_plus = a1_plus + a2 + a3 + a4 a_minus = a1_minus + a2 + a3 + a4 b_plus = 4 * pi * (vo - v + J / 2) * ( (1 / tau) + (1 / tau2)) - 2 * pi * J / tau b_minus = 4 * pi * (vo - v - J / 2) * ( (1 / tau) + (1 / tau2)) + 2 * pi * J / tau r_plus = 2 * pi * (vo - v + J) r_minus = 2 * pi * (vo - v - J) s = (2 / tau) + (1 / tau2) n1 = r_plus * b_plus - s * a_plus d1 = a_plus ** 2 + b_plus ** 2 n2 = r_minus * b_minus - s * a_minus d2 = a_minus ** 2 + b_minus ** 2 I = (n1 / d1) + (n2 / d2) return I
[docs]def dnmr_AB(va, vb, J, k, w, limits=None, points=800): """ Simulate the DNMR lineshape for two coupled nuclei undergoing exchange (AB or AX pattern at the slow-exchange limit). Parameters --------- va, vb : float frequencies of a and b nuclei (at the slow exchange limit, in the absence of coupling) J : float the coupling constant between the two nuclei. k : float rate constant for state A--> state B w : float peak widths at half height (at the slow-exchange limit). limits : (int or float, int or float), optional The minimum and maximum frequencies (in any order) for the simulation. points : int The length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Returns ------- x, y : numpy.array, numpy.array Arrays for the x (frequency) and y (intensity) lineshape data points. See Also -------- DnmrAB : A class representation for this simulation. References ---------- See the documentation for the nmrsim.dnmr module. """ if limits: l_limit = min(limits) r_limit = max(limits) else: l_limit = min(va, vb) - 50 r_limit = max(va, vb) + 50 x = np.linspace(l_limit, r_limit, points) y = _dnmr_AB_func(x, va, vb, J, k, w) return x, y
[docs]class DnmrAB: """ Simulate the DNMR lineshape for two coupled nuclei undergoing exchange (AB or AX pattern at the slow-exchange limit). Parameters ---------- va, vb : int or float frequencies of a and b nuclei (at the slow exchange limit, in the absence of coupling) J : int or float the coupling constant between the two nuclei. k : int or float rate constant for state A--> state B w : int or float peak widths at half height (at the slow-exchange limit). limits : (int or float, int or float), optional The minimum and maximum frequencies (in any order) for the simulation. points : int The length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Attributes ---------- va vb J k w limits points Methods ------- lineshape Return the x, y (frequency, intensity) data for the lineshape simulation. See Also -------- DnmrAB : A class representation for this simulation. References ---------- See the documentation for the nmrsim.dnmr module. """ def __init__(self, va=165.0, vb=135.0, J=12.0, k=12.0, w=0.5, limits=None, points=800): = va self.vb = vb self.J = J self.k = k self.w = w if limits: self.limits = limits else: self._vmin = min([va, vb]) - 50 self._vmax = max([va, vb]) + 50 self.points = points @property def va(self): """ The frequency of nucleus "a" (Hz) at the slow-exchange limit, in the absence of coupling. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._va @va.setter def va(self, value): self._va = is_number(value) @property def vb(self): """ The frequency of nucleus "b" (Hz) at the slow-exchange limit, in the absence of coupling. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._vb @vb.setter def vb(self, value): self._vb = is_number(value) @property def J(self): """ The coupling constant (Hz) between the two nuclei. Returns ------- int or float """ return self._J @J.setter def J(self, value): self._J = is_number(value) @property def k(self): """ The rate constant (Hz) for state A--> state B (must be >0). Returns ------- int or float """ return self._k @k.setter def k(self, value): self._k = is_positive(value) @property def w(self): """ The peak width (Hz) at half height (at the slow-exchange limit). Returns ------- int or float """ return self._w @w.setter def w(self, value): self._w = is_number(value) @property def limits(self): """ Give minimum and maximum frequencies for the simulated lineshape. Returns ------- (int or float, int or float) """ return self._vmin, self._vmax @limits.setter def limits(self, limits): limits = is_tuple_of_two_numbers(limits) self._vmin = min(limits) self._vmax = max(limits) @property def points(self): """ Give the length of the returned arrays (i.e. the number of points plotted). Returns ------- int """ return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): self._points = is_integer(value)
[docs] def lineshape(self): """Return the x, y lineshape data for the simulation.""" x = np.linspace(self._vmin, self._vmax, self.points) y = _dnmr_AB_func(x,, self.vb, self.J, self.k, self.w) return x, y